Weather in Colchester, Essex, UK. Station Records |
The information here is from the 10 years of operation of the weather station - August 2004 to July 2014.
Maximum temperature | 33.4 °C | 26/07/2006 |
Minimum temperature | -11.7 °C | 20/12/2010 |
Hottest month | 22.0 ºC | July 2006 |
Coldest month | 0.3 ºC | December 2010 |
Average annual temperature | 11.0 ºC | |
Hottest year | 11.9 ºC | 2006, 2011 |
Coldest year | 9.6 ºC | 2010 |
Air Frosts
(Data for the latest winter will not be complete until the end of April each year)
Frosts in a winter | Average | 40.3 |
Most | 59 (2012-2013) | |
Least | 8 (2013-2014) | |
First Frost | Earliest | 21/10 (2007) |
Latest | 1/12 (2009) | |
Last Frost | Earliest | 12/3 (2010) |
Latest | 21/4 (2013) |
Average annual rainfall | 667.0 mm | |
Average rain days per year | 182 | |
Wettest year | 961.5mm | 2012 |
Most rain days in a year | 220 | 2012 |
Driest year | 526.0mm | 2005 |
Least rain days in a year | 167 | 2011 |
Most rain in a month | 142.6 mm | August 2004 |
Most rain days in a month | 31 | January 2014 |
Least rain in a month | 0.7 mm | April 2007 |
Least rain days in a month | 2 | April 2007 |
Barometric Pressure
Average barometric pressure | 1013.3 hPa | |
Maximum barometric pressure | 1044 hPa | 21/12/2006 |
Minimum barometric pressure | 963 hPa | 10/03/2008 |
Average annual sunshine | 1727 hours | |
Most sunshine in a day | 16 hr 05 min | 28/06/2006 |
Sunniest Month | 301 hr 39 min | July 2006 |
Dullest Month | 52 hr 11 min | February 2013 |
Average wind speed | 6.5 mph | |
Maximum wind speed | 58.9 mph | 03/03/2013 |
The elevation of the site is 48m and the barometric pressure is corrected to sea level. The weather station was installed in July 2004 but was relocated approximately 3km during September 2009, still within the Myland area of Colchester. Sunshine data was unavailable from September 2009 to August 2011 and was not used in the averages. From January 2012, norm data has been taken from the Colchester readings for temperature and rainfall and the Wattisham readings for sunshine time in the 1981-2010 publication by the Climatological Observers Link. Prior to that the 1971-2000 data was used.
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© 1999-2011 Werner Krenn / Mischa Thurnherr - Weatherstation Operating-
and Data Acquisition Software - V2.96.3 |